You must mail your election to the IRS within thirty days of the purchase of the shares. Detailed instructions are as follows:

  1. Write a $xx check made payable to xx, Inc. If you are purchasing the stock, take a picture of the check and send the attorney a copy. Mail or deliver your check to CEO. The date of the purchase of your shares is the date of your check. The 30-day window starts on the date of signing.
  2. Print and complete the attached 83(b) election (be sure to include your spouse's name and SSN in the first section if you are married). If you are married, your spouse should also sign where indicated. The date in number 3 is the date of your check.
  3. Date, print, and sign the below cover letter to the IRS
  4. Include the completed 83(b) form (two total pages) and a copy of the 83(b) form
  5. Include a return self-addressed, stamped envelope
  6. Send to the IRS via Certified Mail/Return Receipt Requested (please be sure to make a copy of the certified mail white receipt, green card receipt; this is the evidence of filing) as well as a copy of the 83(b) election and cover letter
  7. A full copy of all of the above, including a copy of the certified mail white receipt, green card receipt, and file-stamped copy returned to your attorney, via email is fine (check copy, too)
  8. Be sure to provide a copy of the filing to your accountant.

83(b) Election Cover Letter .docx

83(b) Election .docx