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<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/af85144f-81b8-41fa-a6d0-80bb6a7a0a62/Screen_Shot_2023-08-07_at_2.32.25_PM-removebg-preview.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/af85144f-81b8-41fa-a6d0-80bb6a7a0a62/Screen_Shot_2023-08-07_at_2.32.25_PM-removebg-preview.png" width="40px" /> The Redbud Mentor Network is a collective of successful operators, builders, and subject matter experts empowering people with their knowledge. Mentors are a keystone of the Scale community, built on the mission to accelerate access to knowledge and network effects for founders.

Scale mentors have built and invested in dozens of billion-dollar tech companies (e.g., Zapier, Braintrust, EquipmentShare, etc.), held senior exec positions at Fortune 500 companies (e.g., LinkedIn, Cerner, etc.), and led numerous product, growth, and ops teams.




Dozens of exits resulted in billions of dollars

First engineering hire at Zapier

Innovation Executive at Cerner

Board of Director for Multiple Public Cos

Chief Retention Officer at Veterans United

Head of Consumer Marketing at LinkedIn

Senior Executive at Netscape, Borland, and Texas Instruments

First BD hire and Global Head of BD & Growth at Axiom

TedX Speaker & Best Selling Author

VP Clinical Innovation at Mercy

Founding Team Engineer at Paytient

Dozens of founders, investors, and early hires of IPOd companies

MD for $B+ AUM Fund

Partner at DFJ

Co-Founder of Braintrust

Co-Founder of EquipmentShare

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